Inspired by Somes J's excellent piece of Nurglite propaganda, which I just had to make a counterpoint to. As it's intended to be a short in-universe piece, I don't think it fits in my bin.
When, I was young, I did not understand. Back then I was just yet another holy fool, still in love with the cruelty of the Emperor. But now I have seen, and my very eyes have been changed.
Change? Such a lovely word, so beautiful in its way. What is change? Some call it abomination, horror, mutation, corruption or a hundred thousand other vile epithets. I myself call it beauty. Every species was born through change, and only by rejecting it do they falter and are cast into extinction. The surfaces of planets change through erosion and tectonic disturbances. Change is unstoppable. It will take you whether you desire it or not.
And there is a god in the Aethyr, greater than the petty Emperor on Terra. His name is Tzeentch. He is the Master of Change, the God of Hope. Hope is no delusion. Every man hopes and dreams, and this feeds Tzeentch. Hope is the means by which we take the future into our hands. And hope is the means by which change is realised.
Ah, you still do not understand? Look at the Emperor. All his 10,000 years of torment are due to a mistake he made. Tzeentch, on the other hand, makes no mistakes! Then look around you, at the whole opressive edifice of Imperium. Could this be a work of a kind, loving god? No! The Emperor wants our love, but all his love is revenge! Tzeentch, on the contrary, is perfectly forgiving.
You are beginning to see? Yes, very good.
Change is the ultimate defence. All magic is change - lead to gold, unliving to living, flesh to stone, and the opposites of all these. And Tzeentch can give us this power. Male and female matter no longer in Tzeentch, neither do young or old, strong or weak, for one can become any of these as long as one has the power and will. And in change is immortality, for, like the snake shedding its skin, the phoenix rebirthing itself, change has the power to bring eternal life.
Know this: Inconstancy is Liberation. And what greater inconstancy is there, but in the worship of Tzeentch?
Inconstancy is Liberation (40K Tzeentchian Propaganda)
Inconstancy is Liberation (40K Tzeentchian Propaganda)
You have ruled this galaxy for ten thousand years.
You have little of account to show for your efforts.
Order. Unity. Obedience.
We taught the galaxy these things.
And we shall do so again.
You have little of account to show for your efforts.
Order. Unity. Obedience.
We taught the galaxy these things.
And we shall do so again.